First Gen Integrated Report 2023

Our Risk Management Process

To accomplish the Company’s strategic goals, First Gen identifies and analyzes risks (and opportunities) in value creation and develops and implements action plans to address these risks. We involve important stakeholders from business units, project teams, and support groups to ensure that these risks are included in their risk registers. Along with the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) group, these various groups conduct risk analyses based on the likelihood, impact, and determination of risk ownership, as risk owners are involved in creating mitigating measures. In addition, the Company monitors these risks through frequent updates, conversations with Senior Management, and presentations to the Board Risk Oversight Committee to ensure the effectiveness of the risk management process and attendant mitigating measures. The risks of our business units, projects, and support groups are reviewed and evaluated every three to six months, while our strategic risks are evaluated at least annually.

We manage risks in four levels

ERM is treated as part of
strategy execution.


The ratings indicated correspond to the risks discussed below.

Social and
Short term risk (1-5 years)
Medium term risk (5-10 years)
Long term risk (10 or more years)


(External risk)

The expiration of our key contracts in 2024, 2025, and 2027 may expose up to 2,000MW of our capacity to revenue volatility if they remain uncontracted.

The Company has:

  • Discussed with various customers about contracting these capacities; and
  • Developed strategies to contract some of these capacities to other market segments.

Possible,Very Significant Impact

Recontracting these expiring contracts is key to ensuring sustainable operations and the financial performance of the company.

As the company takes on more financial obligations at the parent-level to finance its growth, a stable revenue stream is imperative. Otherwise, it may become challenging to secure funding for projects in the pipeline.


(External risk)

Various geopolitical events, including the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and China to exert its claims on Taiwan, may contribute to supply chain disruptions and price shocks on commodities, leading to higher cost of operations.

The local regulatory landscape in the energy industry adds to the challenge due to the delays or changes of various regulatory issuances and amendments. These actions affect the timeliness and financial viability of our growth projects.

Some issues that may affect the Company and other industry players are:

Rates: Approved ERC rates have been potentially lower than the winning competitive selection process (CSP) bids, while Green Energy Auction Program (GEAP) rates, which have increased, remain low.

National Grid Franchise: A potential revocation of National Grid’s franchise may disrupt grid developments in the short term.

Others: Gas-fired plants may lack support for fuel passes because of cost.

The Company has:

  • Identified procurement options to minimize the impact of supply disruptions and high commodity prices;
  • Actively engaged various regulators and local government officials in the energy sector;
  • Participated in TWGs with various regulations in the development;
  • Closely coordinated with regulatory groups and institutions to aid the progress of key issues; and
  • Collaborated with like- minded organizations, customer groups, and individuals to collectively push for regulations that promote clean and renewable energy advocacy.

Likely, Major Impact

Supply chain disruptions may cause delays in executing our growth projects. The higher cost of commodities may lead to higher operating costs.

Changes in the local regulatory landscape may lead to delays in our project construction and affect the financial viability of our assets.


(External risk)

The effects of climate change, including record high temperatures, may lead to extreme weather events such as drought, super typhoons, and flooding, which may disrupt our operations, affect our customer service, and cause property damage.

The Company has:

  • Conducted various natural calamity studies (e.g., typhoon, flood, tsunami, earthquake, etc.) and explored additional data providers to ensure that climate risk-related information is sufficient and updated;
  • Continuously modified plant design and implemented various weather-proofing and resilience initiatives to safeguard against the effects of natural disasters;
  • Regularly inspected earthquake risk-mitigating measures, such as installing seismic monitors at strategic locations on-site;
  • Continuously improved the emergency response and business continuity management plans and conducted drills; and
  • Obtained and maintained natural catastrophe insurance coverage for various sites.

Almost Certain, Significant Impact

These changes in climate patterns may affect our existing and planned generation capacities, as well as customer demand for electricity, especially during extreme weather events, leading to possible damage to existing assets, delayed pursuit of planned projects, and consequently lower revenues.


(External and Internal risk)

The depletion of the Malampaya gas field and our steam supply challenges may affect our production and cash flow. Operations are highly dependent on:

  • The consistent availability of the plants’ required fuels, particularly natural gas;
  • The expertise of the natural gas field operator;
  • The existence of a valid Gas Supply Purchase Agreement (GSPA) before the depletion of resources; and
  • The availability of steam as a geothermal resource in commercial quantities.
Natural Gas Plants

The Company has:

  • Received the delivery of its FSRU BW Batangas in Q4 2023, in anticipation of the expiry of the gas supply agreement with Malampaya Gas Field in three years. At the end of December, FGEN LNG signed a 15-year lease agreement with Gas Aggregator Philippines Inc. (subsidiary of Prime Infrastructure Capital Inc.) for said FSRU for the eventual supply of LNG to First Gen’s plants, which is expected to begin in 2024.
  • Used dual-fired plants (except for San Gabriel) in the absence of natural gas;
  • Ensured the availability and adequacy of liquid fuel; and
  • Identified procurement options to minimize the impact of supply disruptions and high fuel prices.
Geothermal Plants

The Company has:

  • Maximized modern technology to optimize steam extraction from the wells;
  • Undertaken continuous drilling and non-drilling workovers to ensure steam supply;
  • Addressed steam decline through lower impact distribution of reinjection, scaling prevention initiatives, and targeted infill injection for pressure support; and
  • Employed more comprehensive well development planning, improved well design and predictive modeling tools, intensive monitoring of production lines, debottlenecking activities, and fortifying vulnerable wells and surface facilities.

Possible, Significant Impact

A disruption in our fuel supply caused by delays in the timely transition to LNG will have a significant impact on our ability to deliver our contractual obligations and our ability to recontract the affected assets.


(External risk)

There are issues with the capacity and dependability of the local transmission network, which may adversely affect current and projected energy demand from customers and the additional supply from new projects, particularly our RE projects in the pipeline.

The Company has:

  • Identified potential project sites that can handle our capacity; and
  • Continuously worked with the NGCP to identify the gaps in their transmission development plan.

Likely, Major impact

Transmission line constraints have been putting our future RE projects at risk of getting delayed, affecting their commercial viability.


(External and Internal risk)

The modernization and interconnection of our assets and Information Technology (IT) infrastructure has increased our operational efficiency, but has also exposed us to cyber security risks.

The Company has:

  • Continuously conducted IT and Operational Technology (OT) vulnerability assessment studies and prioritized implementing recommended mitigation plans;
  • Designated a high-level committee to oversee information security activities for both IT and OT initiatives;
  • Acquired IT Security Governance and IT Security Operations services;
  • Launched information security, technology risk, and data privacy programs to manage and reduce information security risks and ensure compliance with the Data Privacy Law; and
  • Developed related frameworks and policies for cascading and implementation throughout the whole organization.

Possible, Significant Impact

Breaches in our IT and/or OT infrastructure may lead to serious consequences such as: data leakage of sensitive information, remote manipulation of our assets, manipulation of our trading platform, and damage to our property and reputation.


(External and Internal risk)

Both the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the US Federal Reserve System hiked interest rates, making the cost of borrowing more expensive. The average Philippine Peso exchange rate has depreciated by 12.87 percent since FY2021. Both factors have contributed to higher operating costs, more expensive projects, and more conservative spending by consumers and businesses.

The Company has:

  • A predictable cash flow due to the majority of its capacity being contracted;
  • Made only deliberate loan availments for important synergistic investments a er previously pursuing a deleveraging program;
  • Explored and formed partnerships for new projects;
  • Interest Rate Risk - a mix of fixed and floating-rate loans;
  • Liquidity Risk - prepayment of loans;
  • Refinanced bulky maturities to smoothen or extend the repayment profile;
  • Foreign Exchange (FX) Risk - Maximizes natural hedge; The Finance and Treasusury Group closely monitors FX rates to determine hedging opportunities.Senior Management is regularly informed/updated on FX risk exposure and mitigation plans.

Possible, Significant impact

Increasing interest rates and foreign exchange volatility may lead to higher operating and project costs, which may adversely impact the Company’s income generation and limit the growth projects it may pursue.

Our Opportunities

First Gen believes in advancing our organization to tackle both internal and external opportunities consistent with our mission, purpose, strategy, and capabilities. These opportunities will support First Gen’s growth alongside the market, becoming a trusted clean energy advisor and decarbonized energy solutions provider.

First Gen uses a number of procedures, such as various planning processes, Research Initiatives and Processes, and Capability Building Activities to identify key opportunities.

Through these processes, various levels of the organization are able to collaborate with company leadership to identify opportunities in the industry.


Global and national preference and interest in clean energy solutions


Driven by regulatory, political, economic, and climate factors, customers both locally and abroad are showing a greater preference towards RE solutions as seen in International Energy Agency (IEA) reports and more. The growing awareness about sustainable business practices has put the need for low-carbon practices at the forefront of commercial operations, presenting energy providers with opportunities to expand their services while transitioning to clean energy.

First Gen continues to pursue our initiatives to provide our customers with clean energy while adhering to the Company’s stated Mission and Purpose of promoting a decarbonized and regenerative future for our stakeholders, shareholders, and customers.

Our diverse and clean energy portfolio is more than capable of meeting the energy needs of our customers, while our pursuit of RE projects ensures energy security and stability for our customers. First Gen also continues to improve on our existing processes and integrate local regulatory policies into our investments. This includes aligning our business and growth strategy with the DOE’s PEP, and the Philippines’ commitment of a 75% reduction in emissions in line with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC).

Using our assets to better serve our customers and aligning their use and development towards RE solutions

Investing significant financial resources into projects aligned with the zero- carbon goal of the Company

Building collaborative partnerships with stakeholders

Grows their financial capital invested into the Company and our projects

Reduces overall emissions and transitions to technologies with less environmental impact

Improves their awareness and accessibility to renewable energy solutions

Provides more support for decarbonized operations and goals

Long-term benefits include a steady demand for our clean energy projects while also meeting the requirements to move towards renewable energy. With significant investments in RE, First Gen is a position to become a preferred partner for RE solutions.

Increased energy demand, supported by government regulation and prioritization of clean energy

(Internal and External)

The DOE’s PEP report indicates that the energy demand of the Philippines will only continue to grow, presenting energy providers with an opportunity to meet these needs while transitioning to clean and renewable energy.

This comes at a time when regulatory bodies have introduced new guidance and regulations governing the movement of the energy sectors, incentivizing RE transitions and rewarding innovations that serve customers beyond simply increasing installed capacity.

In addition, due to the continued advancement of Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) in the Industry, customers are gaining more power to choose their own electricity. Because of this, their own demands for low carbon sources and support for decarbonization goals are also gaining traction.

First Gen continues to pursue our target of 13GW of installed capacity, with a bias towards renewable energy solutions. Investments in additional energy sources, such as the Batangas LNG terminal, ensure energy security for our customers while allowing us to adhere to our goal of moving towards our capacity target.

In response to the retail-centric energy market, the Company assures that our plants are operating at high reliability and dependability, ensuring that we meet the energy demands of our customers while simultaneously opening First Gen’s portfolio of clean energy sources to contestable customers.

First Gen is also preparing for the broader range of customers brought about by the Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) program, ensuring that they will have the context and support needed to access the Company’s portfolio of RE solutions.

Continued operations and improvement of our assets

Funding and investments into ensuring our plants and facilities can meet energy demands

Training and development of our employees and staff to better serve our customers

Establishing market reach with energy buyers and making connections with contestable customers

Increases the diversity of their investments while also supporting the local RE transition

Provides them with options to access RE solutions

Short-term benefits include establishing partnerships and securing project contracts for RE facilities. Long- term benefits to the Company include a consistent customer base and incoming customers looking for reliable access to RE solutions.

A stronger push towards technologies and solutions that help decarbonize operations

(Internal and External)

Various Programs and policies are being established to spur decarbonization in the industry. For example, DOE’s Demand-side Management (DSM) Program under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Act in the EE&C 2023-2040 Road Map outlines expectations for the energy industry to innovate on their services and the applications of their generated energy.

The continued research and development into hydrogen, carbon capture, nature- based solutions, and other technologies and business models supports decarbonization across various industries, aside from just the energy sector. While these are long-term prospects, their development can help actualize the opportunity of decarbonizing power portfolios towards net zero.

First Gen is always researching the latest innovations to help decarbonize our portfolio and capture business opportunities.

The Company finds opportunity in providing customer needs, even beyond the kWh. By putting the needs of our customers first, we’re able to connect them to the technologies and services that they need to integrate into their lives for a more sustainable and resilient future.

Our investments to innovate in our operations and staying ahead of the latest developments in RE solutions give us a strong foundation to meet the energy demands of our customers while also integrating the latest efficiencies and technologies to better our own processes.

Assets that we maintain, develop, or acquire towards decarbonized operations

Funding for the research, acquisition, and development of decarbonized technologies

Innovating on our existing processes and integrating new technologies and strategies to support decarbonizati on efforts

Gives access to new technologies that allow them to better align their energy needs with a more sustainable model

Improves efficiency and energy security with access to better technologies

Long-term benefits to First Gen include optimized operations and better service for our customers through the integration of new technologies. The emerging market for RE solutions also puts the Company in an advantageous position to use these technologies to secure better business outcomes.

Global investor demand on ESG initiatives

(Internal and External)

ESG initiatives have been an increasing concern for investors who wish to see their support count toward a more sustainable future. Investing and disclosing these sustainability focused business practices or initiatives reflect the organization’s commitment towards ESG.

Sharing these programs and initiatives helps First Gen position and secure the long-term confidence of our investors.

For our internal operations, the Company pursues capability training and development, employee engagement and communications, various health and safety policies, and other initiatives under the social pillar. First Gen is also consistently updating our ESG strategy towards key focus areas such as Environment, Biodiversity, Resource Management, and Climate Awareness.

Moreover, we foster our relationship with local communities through initiatives that protect the ecosystems that surround our operations. We are also identifying nature-based solutions, water, and waste-management solutions.

Internal presence and recognition of sustainability and ESG efforts

Building relationships and partnerships with organizations with like- minded sustainability initiatives

Drawing attention, recognition, and support towards ESG initiatives

Providing assurance and recognition that their investments are directed towards sustainable initiatives

Supporting their progress towards sustainability goals

Preserving the environment and promoting a regenerative future

Short-term benefits include First Gen’s adherence to regulatory and reporting requirements, boosting both investor and customer confidence in the Company’s operations. By aligning our operations with ESG initiatives for the long-term, we aim to become a leading figure in the local energy sector’s push towards sustainable and renewable energy practices.

Aligning our organization towards creating regenerative pathways for shared value


To drive and sustain First Gen’s continued growth and expansion, the Company needs to ensure collaborative and unified work for project development.

The Company continues to invest in our Capitals to ensure that all our operations, investments, and services are aligned with our Mission and Purpose, especially with the previously discussed opportunities and how they may change the energy industry.

We are positioned to mature our five Capitals to innovate and push our strengths as a mission-driven organization.

First Gen continuously embeds the core tenets of our Mission and Purpose with our priorities, strategies, and goals across our different capitals. We engage our members through training, developmental workshops, town hall meetings, and other personnel support to make sure that their personal initiatives align with the Company’s overarching goals.

Additional training, development, and support for all First Gen employees and staff

Providing our partners with the experience and support needed to align with our own goals

Assurance that their support is aligned with the company’s overall Mission and Purpose

Employees - Opening developmental opportunities through training, upskilling, and other means of personnel support

Short-term benefits include ensuring that First Gen’s employees are well-equipped to grow and support the company’s Mission and Purpose. By investing in our organizational alignments, the Company builds a stronger foundation that is more than capable of meeting the challenges posed by the energy market.