First Gen Integrated Report 2023

The Management
Approach on Governance

First Gen understands the importance of good corporate governance in fostering the Company’s long-term success and securing sustained competitiveness in the energy industry. The Company remains steadfast in its commitment to finding resilient and regenerative solutions to mitigate the worsening effects of climate change. First Gen ensures that it strictly complies with corporate governance regulations and continuously improves its corporate governance structures to comply with and even perform beyond global best practices. The Company’s governance structure is detailed in its Manual on Corporate Governance, which is available on the Company’s website. Details of the Company’s governance practices are found in its Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report, which is likewise posted on the Company’s website.

First Gen’s approach to corporate governance is guided by the Lopez Values, adherence to the SEC’s issuances on governance, respect for human rights, and our commitment to ESG safeguard principles. Our structure, policies, programs, and protocols ensure the following:

  • Full compliance with local regulations and international conventions signed by the country and relevant to our operations;
  • Balanced emphasis on financial and non-financial aspects of the Company’s business strategy, operations and performance to achieve short- and long-term goals
  • Creation of an environment that will protect the rights and allow equal treatment of all stakeholders;
  • Sufficient controls that ensure effective management oversight within a culture of honesty and accountability throughout the organization; and
  • Robust stakeholder engagement with timely disclosure of relevant information and the installation of necessary feedback mechanisms.

Creating Value Through Governance

Through the Company’s governance framework, the Company is able to ensure the proper implementation of its value creation aspirations. The illustration in the following page shows how the Company’s strategic objectives are aligned with and support our mission of forging a collaborative pathway for a decarbonized and regenerative future. The Board of Directors and Senior Management constantly engage in critical discussions that guide the formulation and monitoring of strategic goals, priorities, and outcomes of key strategic relevance. These are done through various board meetings wherein key risks, opportunities, and processes of the Company are discussed. A more detailed discussion of the foregoing strategic objectives is provided in the Strategic Positioning section.

  • Expansion of RE-sourced power projects and continuous upgrading and maintaining of existing assets to ensure efficiency and low emissions
  • Management of risks and opportunities
  • Compliance with environmental parameters set by relevant regulatory bodies
  • Increased number of customers availing themselves of clean energy
  • Promoting our clean, complementary, and rightly-priced portfolio to customers complement by a clean energy portfolio with value-added services and solutions towards becoming a trusted decarbonized solutions provider
  • Promoting ESG efforts within and outside the organization including biodiversity programs: BINHI and Center of the Center (COC)
  • Sustainable programs and campaigns promoting our mission of a decarbonized and regenerative future
  • Instilling the mission and purpose of the Company in employees through various Company programs

Governance Structure

The Company’s governance system plays an important role in identifying the Company’s strategic direction. Guided by the Company’s Mission, Purpose and Chosen Path, the Company’s Board of Directors and Senior Management annually hold planning sessions to assess and identify the overall strategies, capabilities, goals, and direction of the Company. Among the topics discussed during said planning sessions are sustainability, regeneration and decarbonization. The Company’s strategic objectives, such as those discussed in the Strategic Positioning section, are identified through these sessions. Outcomes of the Company’s initiatives relative to its objectives are likewise discussed in said section.

The Company relies on decision-making groups that are tasked to provide guidance in identifying and addressing material issues, which may have a significant impact on the Company. To ensure that these groups are properly equipped to provide solutions and make decisions in the organization’s best interests, the Company has in place a collaborative process for effective information exchange and productive consultation. At the initial stage, operating groups are responsible for determining material issues that have to be raised to these decision-making bodies.

Corporate Policies

The Company upholds the principles of honesty, integrity, and transparency in conducting its business. By implementing its policies, the Company is able to establish mechanisms whereby integrity and ethical business standards are ensured. Likewise, the policies are the Company’s instruments to support the maintenance and development of its capitals and monitor the organization’s culture.

Social and

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

The Company’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy was established to ensure that Company employees and personnel meet the standards and controls against graft and corruption as prescribed by relevant laws and regulations. Under said Policy, acts or attempts of corruption and bribery should be reported to the Company’s Human Resources Department, Internal Audit Group, or the employee’s immediate supervisor. The investigation and punishment (if merited) of any such act shall be guided by the Company’s Manual on Corporate Governance, Code on Employee Discipline, and the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines. The Company’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy is available on the Company’s website.

*For 2023, no incidents involving violations of the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy were reported

Policy on Insider Trading

The Company’s Policy on Insider Trading was established to safeguard the fairness and integrity of the securities market in the Philippines and to protect and maintain the confidence and trust of the Company’s investors and shareholders. Under said Policy, the Company’s directors, officers, employees, and their respective representatives are prohibited from buying or selling Company securities while in possession of material information not yet generally available to the public. Any act, attempt or allegation of prohibited insider trading shall be dealt with appropriately and swiftly. The investigation and punishment (if merited) of any act, attempt or allegation of prohibited insider trading shall be guided by the Company’s Manual on Corporate Governance, Code on Employee Discipline, the Securities Regulation Code of the Philippines, as well as other laws and regulations pertaining to the said subject. The Company’s Policy on Insider Trading is available on the Company’s website.

Policy on Conflict of Interest

The Company’s Policy on Conflict of Interest was crafted to recognize the duty of loyalty expected from the directors, officers, and employees toward the Company and its shareholders. Under said Policy, directors, officers, and employees shall ensure that they do not have any business interest or activity that will interfere with the proper performance of their duties and functions. Any potential conflict of interest shall immediately be disclosed. An actual or potential material conflict of interest should be reported to the immediate superiors, Senior Management, or the BOD. The procedure for reporting and the protection afforded by the Company’s Whistleblower Policy shall apply in each reported instance of violation. The Company’s Policy on Conflict of Interest is available on the Company’s website.

Whistleblower Policy

The Company’s Whistleblower Policy was established to promote a culture that encourages internal accountability and communication without fear of retaliation. Under the Policy, the identity of the Whistleblower and the information disclosed shall be kept confidential. Moreover, no retaliatory action against the Whistleblower shall be entertained nor tolerated by the Company. Furthermore, the Company shall take disciplinary action against any member who violates the confidentiality of any disclosure including the identity of the Whistleblower, or is found to have committed, initiated, or was otherwise involved in the commission of any retaliatory action against the Whistleblower. The Company shall also take disciplinary action, which may include employment termination, against any person found to have maliciously made a false or misleading disclosure. A Whistleblower may make a disclosure on any act that:

  1. is contrary to law and Company rules, regulations, policies, or values;
  2. adversely affects Company image and reputation;
  3. is unreasonable, unjust, unfair, or discriminatory;
  4. has an undue or improper exercise of powers and prerogatives; or
  5. has similar actions which are against Company interest or contrary to Company values.

The Policy provides a mechanism to address reports on said acts and grievances of any whistleblower. The Company’s Whistleblower Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Material Related Party Transactions Policy

The Company’s Material Related Party Transactions (Material RPTs) Policy was issued to promote good corporate governance and ensure the protection of the Company’s shareholders, especially the minority investors. It covers all entities within the First Gen conglomerate. The Policy states that the Company and its shareholders shall only enter into Material RPTs (as defined in the Policy) when terms and conditions are fair, at arm‘s length and beneficial to both parties. Under the Policy, the Company’s directors have the overall responsibility of ensuring that Material RPTs are handled with integrity and in a sound and prudent manner. The Material RPTs shall also comply with applicable laws and regulations to protect the interests of the Company’s shareholders and other stakeholders. In the case of an abusive Material RPT, a Material RPT found to have been entered into not on an arm’s length basis or one which unduly favors a related party, Senior Management shall provide directions on how to cut losses and allow recovery of losses or opportunity costs incurred by the Company. Directors, officers, and employees found to have been remiss in their duties in handling Material RPTs shall be penalized according to the Company’s Manual on Corporate Governance, Corporate Code of Conduct and Ethics, and Code of Discipline, as well as other applicable rules, regulations, and policies. The Company’s Material RPTs Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Responsible Asset Protection Policy

First Gen established its Responsible Asset Protection Policy to protect and promote human rights and safeguard, at the highest standards, the Company’s assets—its personnel, equipment, inventory, information, facilities, and partner communities. In protecting its assets, the Company adheres to the Lopez Values and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, which include the following principles: capacity and competency of security personnel; security risk assessment and management; human rights training; and communication, organization awareness, and support. The Company likewise adheres to applicable national laws and local ordinances in protecting its personnel, assets, and information. A grievance mechanism is offered to ensure:

  1. the complainant’s confidentiality;
  2. a thorough assessment of the credibility and severity of the allegation or incident; and
  3. implementation of appropriate corrective actions, if needed.

The Responsible Asset Protection Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Quality Policy

First Gen developed its Quality Policy to guide the Company in its pursuit of quality performance. The Policy details the establishment and maintenance of a Quality Management System (QMS) that covers asset monitoring and control, development of energy-related businesses, and provision of resource management and support services to all its subsidiaries. Specifically, the Company commits to the following:

  1. providing quality service that ensures customer satisfaction;
  2. enhancing competitiveness by meeting the requirements of international standards and going beyond compliance with legal requirements;
  3. participating in shaping energy industry policies;
  4. adopting the best technology in the power generation industry;
  5. managing the business risks and capitalizing on opportunities; and
  6. implementing consistent best management practices.

In doing its business, the Company commits to protecting and preserving the environment and supporting the communities it serves. As stated in the Policy, First Gen executes the necessary measures to ensure the Quality Policy is understood, observed, and integrated into the employees’ way of life. The First Gen Quality Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Environmental, Safety, and Health Policy

The Environmental, Safety, and Health (ESH) Policy was developed to manifest First Gen’s commitment to protecting and preserving the environment and providing its employees with a safe and healthy workplace. This Policy commits to developing and implementing an environment, safety, and health management system covering all its projects by:

  1. complying with all applicable laws and regulations in the country and setting internal ESH standards;
  2. providing and equipping its personnel with required resources, knowledge, and skill to effectively carry out their functions in a safe manner;
  3. assessing and managing environmental impacts and occupational safety and health risks using appropriate technologies; and
  4. carrying out its ESH programs to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees in the workplace, with efficient resources use.

The ESH Policy is adopted in the operations and activities of the Company’s operating assets. Management ensures that the ESH Policy is communicated to and understood by its employees, contractors, and other stakeholders through orientations, formal discussions, and robust implementation prior to, during, and post-activity engagements. The ESH Policy is available on the Company’s website.

CSR Policy

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy guides the Company’s CSR department and Community Relations (ComRel) teams in developing CSR programs. The Company upholds the CSR principles of the Lopez Group by providing relevant, responsive, and sustainable programs that aim to improve our stakeholders’ quality of life. Specifically, it details the allocation of funds for CSR programs and the monitoring and evaluation of the environmental and social impacts of the Company. The CSR programs are led by the Office of the President, implemented by the CSR and ComRel teams per subsidiary, and complemented by the employees.

The four procedures that are followed when enforcing the Policy are:

  1. stakeholder management, a process that manages the relationship and participation of stakeholders throughout the life of the project;
  2. CSR and ComRel programs, which detail the process of developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the impacts of the CSR programs;
  3. donations and sponsorships, which cover the criteria for the donations and sponsorship requests to pass; and
  4. employee volunteerism, which supports the volunteer activity planning process, the actual volunteer work, and the documentation of contributions and pertinent data by the CSR department.

The Policy includes a stakeholder feedback and grievance mechanism. Through the said mechanism, the Company can document concerns of stakeholders and monitor the actions taken by the Company to address such concerns.The Policy was cascaded across the subsidiaries, new employees, and external stakeholders. First Gen’s CSR department and the ComRel teams of relevant subsidiaries have a stakeholder map, issue and risk map, stakeholder engagement plan, CSR Plan, and Impact and Risk Monitoring. The CSR Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Peoples (IP) Policy

In support of social justice as one of the Lopez Values, First Gen created its Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Peoples (IP) Policy. The Company believes that IP are valuable partners in its areas of operation, with rights to cultural integration and self-determination, and entitled to have their territories upheld and protected. The Policy was issued in support of the Company’s commitment to human rights, equality and diversity, national development, and compliance with relevant national laws and international conventions entered into by the country. The Company also recognizes that the IP’s diverse skills and knowledge can contribute to the Company’s informed planning, management, and implementation of its projects.

In adherence to the Policy, the Company ensures that its projects undergo consultations with IP-recognized leaders and national institutions and agencies responsible for the promotion and protection of IP, as necessary. Consent from IP must be obtained before consultation as stipulated in Republic Act No. 8371 or the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act. In case of conflicts or disputes concerning IP, resolutions shall be reached through discourse founded on traditional laws, cultures, and practices, as far as practicable. The Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Peoples Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Gender Equality and Diversity Policy

In becoming a regenerative business that elevates its stakeholders, the Company initiated its Policy on Gender Equality and Diversity, with guidelines focusing on empowering people regardless of their gender orientation. The Company is committed to integrating gender equality and diversity in its operations, programs, and strategies. The Company believes that in doing so, it contributes to the Company’ s economic performance and long-term success as well as the realization of the full potential of its employees and stakeholders, which leads to a more inclusive society.

The Policy complies with international guidelines on business and human rights, which uphold the fundamental rights of directors, officers, employees, and stakeholders independent of gender, race, culture, religion, ethnic background, and other affiliations.

Beyond the fundamental responsibilities, the Company recognizes that gender equality and diversity improve employee engagement and performance, and create a more robust learning environment. In turn, the Policy also enhances the Company’s ability to attract and retain employees, as well as increase its economic performance, competitive edge, and overall sustainability. The Company has zero-tolerance for all forms of workplace discrimination, including verbal and physical abuse. The Company facilitates access to a grievance redress mechanism for any complaint and the determination of any corrective and remedial action. The Gender Equality and Diversity Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Human Rights Policy

The Company crafted its Human Rights Policy, which outlines the Company’s commitment to recognize and respect human rights based on the principles and values laid out in the Philippine Constitution and related local issuances; UN Declaration of Human Rights; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights; and International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. These principles and values are embedded in the Company policies and the Code of Conduct that every employee must follow. The Company likewise expects its suppliers and business partners to share these values.

Aside from upholding human rights in and of itself, the known benefits derived from adhering to human rights principles include:

  1. prevention of regulatory risks;
  2. sustenance of business operations;
  3. improvement of stakeholder relations;
  4. strengthened employee engagement;
  5. enhanced corporate image; and
  6. access to a new market for products and services.

The Company shall avoid causing adverse human rights impacts in its operations and, should these occur, it shall facilitate access to a grievance redress mechanism. In addition, the Company shall, to every extent possible, prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts in the provision of its products or services. The Human Rights Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is an unjust, malicious, and unlawful act that violates a person’s dignity, threatens their sense of security, and poisons the work environment. In establishing the Anti- Sexual Harassment (ASH) Policy, the Company aims to eliminate sexual harassment and build a culture that instills and expects integrity, respects human rights, rejects intimidation, and culls offensive behavior. The ASH Policy’s goal is to create a shared responsibility for the Company’s members to contribute toward a work environment that is inclusive, productive, promotes employee wellbeing and security, and fosters concern for the Company workforce. The ASH Policy identifies procedures to be followed in investigating and resolving complaints alleging specifically prohibited conduct and emphasizes the education and training of employees as mechanisms for the prevention of sexual harassment. The Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

The Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics was established to set the principles and guidelines in the conduct of the Company’s businesses and dealings with its stakeholders. The Code acknowledges the importance of good corporate governance in promoting the interests of its shareholders, customers, partners, employees, and the government. The Code likewise provides that the following values and principles will guide the Company:

  • A pioneering entrepreneurial spirit
  • Business excellence
  • Unity
  • Nationalism
  • Social justice
  • Injustice
  • Employee welfare and wellness

Board of Directors

Board Composition

Board Expertise

Board Committees

In compliance with the Company’s Manual on Corporate Governance, certain members of the BOD have been selected as members of the following standing committees: Nomination and Governance Committee, Compensation and Remuneration Committee, Audit Committee, and Board Risk Oversight Committee.

The Nomination and Governance Committee exercises the principal function of selecting and evaluating directors. Qualifications for selection are consistent with the By-laws and Manual on Corporate Governance. The committee ensures that the Board election will result in a mix of proficient directors, each of whom will add value and bring prudent judgment to the BOD. The committee is also tasked with reviewing the structure, size, and composition of the Board and making appropriate recommendations thereto. Furthermore, the committee is tasked with reviewing the recommendations of the Compliance Officer in relation to the Manual on Corporate Governance, as well as other corporate governance rules and regulations, and endorsing the same to the Board for approval.

The Compensation and Remuneration Committee has the principal function of studying and recommending the appropriate compensation and/or reward system for corporate officers other than the Chairman. The Chairman’s compensation and remuneration shall be determined by the President and two directors, one of whom shall be an Independent Director. The committee shall establish a policy on the remuneration of directors and officers to ensure that their compensation is consistent with the Company’s culture, strategy, and the business environment in which it operates. Furthermore, it is tasked with reviewing the Company’s human resources development or personnel handbook to strengthen provisions on conflict of interest, policies on salaries and benefits, and directives on promotion and career advancement.

The Audit Committee’s primary function is to assist the BOD in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for financial reporting, internal control systems, internal audit activities, compliance with key regulatory requirements, and enforcement of the Corporate Code of Conduct. The Board Risk Oversight Committee assists the BOD in overseeing management’s activities, including the risk management of the Company’s physical, financial, operational, labor, legal, security, environmental, and other aspects. The committee plays a vital oversight role and serves as an important liaison to the BOD. Under its charter, the committee is responsible for guiding the management through establishing the Company’s risk management philosophy and risk appetite. The committee likewise approves the Company’s risk management policy and processes and any revisions thereto. It also communicates to key stakeholders the status of strategic and critical risks. The committee additionally provides the necessary support and resources to help management address these risks. Periodic reports are required from management to confirm that the Company’s risk management system is operating correctly and consistently with its objectives.

Board Committee Charters may be viewed on the Company’s website.

Board Attendance

* Served as Director until May 17, 2023
** Elected Director on May 17, 2023

Principal Activities of the Board

As a publicly-listed company in the Philippines, First Gen ensures that its BOD is composed of individuals responsible for managing and driving the corporate governance structures of First Gen. The BOD is responsible for guiding the Company toward fulfilling its economic targets and governance aspirations.

Among the pertinent topics discussed by the BOD during their meetings are: asset performance, status and operations; regulatory and finance updates; project development; market situation; health and safety programs due to the pandemic; and other issues and concerns as may be raised by the directors and management.

The present BOD of First Gen consists of ten members, including three Independent Directors. All of the directors were elected by the Company’s qualified stockholders during the annual general meeting held on May 17, 2023, except for Director Maria Presentacion L. Abello who was elected by the Board of Directors, still constituting a quorum, following the resignation of Director Rafael L. Lopez. Independent Directors Cielito F. Habito, Alicia Rita L. Morales and Edgar O. Chua have neither interest nor relationship with First Gen that may hinder their independence from the Company or its management or interfere with their exercise of independent judgment in carrying out their responsibilities.

Senior Management

Assisting the Board of Directors in steering the Company toward its governance aspirations are the members of its management. The Board of Directors and Senior Management continuously seek to further improve the Company’s corporate governance structures. With the guidance of the Board of Directors, the Company’s Senior Management ensures the promotion and practice of innovation, as well as the management, maintenance and improvement of the Company’s capitals.1

Management Composition

Management Expertise

1 Information on the performance and activities of the Company is provided in the discussion on Company’s capitals in the “Delivering On Our Strategy” section.